the regent shanghai, the first regent in china.<br>regent is one of the luxury brands of carlson group, which is a global leader in the marketing, travel, and hospitality industries; ranked among one of the largest privately held corporations in the united states.<br><br>the regent shanghai is the first regent opened in china. the 511-room hotel is owned by summit property development co. and is managed by carlson hotels asia pacific, carlson’s regional headquarters for the asia-pacific region. construction of the 53-story development is well underway in shanghai’s changning district, a location offering easy access to the central business district and the city transport system. with an overall contemporary, yet classic design, the regent shanghai will offer a high level of service and luxury amenities synonymous with the regent brand’s exceptional guest experience.<br><br>if you are interested in applying for any position within the below available opportunities with the regent shanghai, please send your resume both in chinese & english, one recent photo, related certificates via email.<br><br>丽晶是隶属于全美最大的旅游及酒店行业私人控股公司卡尔森集团旗下的顶级知名品牌之一。<br><br>作为全中国第一家丽晶酒店上海龙之梦丽晶大酒店于2005年年末开业。这一家拥有500多个房间的五星级酒店的业主方为长峰集团,并委托卡尔森集团亚太分部经营管理。这栋高达53层的建筑坐落于上海市长宁区,毗邻市中心的商业区,交通极为便利。龙之梦丽晶以其经典而时尚的风格,为所有宾客提供高水准以及与品牌相一致的无与伦比的华贵体验。<br><br>如果你对所述空缺职位感兴趣,可将中英文简历,近照及有关证明电邮至所述电子信箱。所有应聘者将在通过初选后分批安排面试。酒店将提供富有竞争力的薪资福利待遇和良好的培训计划。请勿来电来函查询。